Local Outreaches

Bonhoeffer's Cafe
Bonhoeffer’s is intentional in setting aside funds from every cup to be used to bring Hope and Life to kids around the world. Their pledge is that profits from Bonhoeffer’s Cafe and Espresso will be used to provide food, housing, medical supplies and educational opportunities for orphans and refugees from impoverished and developing nations.
Learn more about Bonhoeffer’s on their website.
Hope & Life
Hope and Life is an outreach arm of Gate City Church, based in Nashua, NH. Hope and Life supports projects around the world that reach out to children who live in poverty and who are exploited or orphaned. We partner with in-country organizations and nationals to support their efforts to make a difference in their own communities. Our focus is on helping our partners meet the basic physical needs of the children they reach out to—helping to provide shelter, clean water and food, as well as education and job training.
For more information on how to get involved, visit their website.

Real Options Pregnancy Center
Real Options is a Christian, non-profit ministry. Their ministry transcends political solutions to the tragedy of abortion. Pregnancy center ministry is rooted in the compassion and love of Jesus Christ. It is not about changing laws (though they support such efforts), nor is it even ultimately about saving babies (though, of course, that is their desire.)
Pregnancy center ministry addresses the needs of individual women. It is about sharing the Gospel and empowering people to make positive, life-affirming choices. When hurting women encounter Jesus Christ in the midst of their crises, their lives are changed forever.
For more information on how to get involved, visit their website.
Southern NH
Rescue Mission
The Southern NH Rescue Mission is a branch of the Association of Gospel Rescue Mission (AGRM). AGRM exists to proclaim the passion of Jesus toward the hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted; and to accelerate quality and effectiveness in member missions.
With an eye on the future, AGRM also recognizes the contagious fervor in the younger followers of Jesus. They come from dissimilar backgrounds but collectively feel a renewed spiritual mandate for social responsibility regarding “the least of these,” as described in Matthew 25. AGRM believes that their perspectives are valid, and that their energy, wedded with the wisdom of those more experienced, could start a revolution of compassion that would fully awaken the church into action in this critical area of personal conviction.
For more information on how to get involved, visit their website.